
  • NEASEA membership directory, providing networking opportunities with hundreds of colleagues.
  • Bi-weekly member meetings
  • Discount conference registration
  • The Student Employment Recognition Handbook, to support your participation in the National Student Employment Week, Student Employee of the Year, and Supervisor of the Year programs
  • Invitations to state and regional meetings and workshops
  • The Professional Development Resource Center providing resources and links to a variety of web resources, as well as:
  • Session handouts from a selection of our annual conference presentations
  • NEASEA's e-list, providing an e-mail link for members to share ideas, ask questions, and network.
  • NEASEA's governing documents -- Constitution and By-Laws
  • Professional networking with individuals in your area which will improve your own personal and professional development in a variety of fields related to student employment issues.
  • Institutional Membership
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price

    The standard Institutional Membership is for 3 members from one University/Institution/Company. Up to 2 additional members can be added for $60 per additional member.

    Memberships run July 1 - June 30. Institutions that join between January 1 and May 31 will be prorated to half the yearly cost.